Must-Have Tools For Fashion Designers

fashion designer
Fashion designer sewing

Gone are the times when fashion designing was considered an obsolete profession. Gradually, it is becoming one of the most pursued streams in the country amongst the youth. The business allows you to showcase your talent and creative skills in the best way possible. Not only this, their demand is increasing day by day as well. Since it is a tough job, it is necessary to have the right equipment for fashion designers.

So, let’s find out some of the essential tools that every designer should have.

Tape measure, set square and ruler

A tape measure is one thing that a fashion designer can not afford to lose. Most of the time, people keep backups of this tool in more than one place. While some like to place it around the neck, some keep it in the plastic box, and others wrap it around the wrist to avoid losing it. It is nearly impossible for a fashion designer to make clothes without using a tape measure.

A number of fashion designers who are beginners also tend to use set square and grading ruler to cut the clothing material accurately without any mess. If you are bad with measurement and want to create clothes with perfect fitting, set squares and grading rulers can help you get done with it.

Pair of scissors

No dress can be made without using a pair of scissors. Scissors are one of the most critical designer tools. It is a common notion that only one kind of scissors is used by the designers for creating a full dress from fabric clothing material. However, it is not true. A designer has to use several different scissors which accomplish various tasks at every stage of cutting out sketching material and making a dress.

Further, to cut linen or silk clothing material, several designers use lightweight scissors. On the other hand, shear scissors are used as equipment to cut heavy material. And then, card scissors are used in case of cutting out cardboard to make card base for sewing. These are the heaviest pair of scissors amongst all.

Sewing Machine

A fashion designer’s tools and equipment kit can not be complete without a sewing machine. In earlier times, women used to learn stitching at home with a big heavy sewing machine made of iron. But new-age fashion designers don’t have that amount of time. That is why the introduction of small sewing machines for beginners that can be easily used and carried around has eased out the working.

It is recommended for fashion designers to use a sturdy metal base sewing machine rather than a plastic one because it is more reliable, creates beautiful patterns, and beginners can quickly learn using it.

Tailor’s chalk

It may sound funny, but tailor’s chalk does wonders for designers, which other tools and equipment are not able to do. Usually, every designer has a lot of them, and the fact that they can go missing easily makes them more critical in the studio list. It comes complimentary with a tape measure.

When one has to cut out clothing material, the tape measure, grading ruler or set square can be used to measure the length and width. These measurements are marked with tailor’s chalk. It does not only help to create a perfect outfit but also can be relied upon for making adjustments and alterations.

Adjustable dressmaker

There are various dress forms that are used by designers to check the fitting of the clothes. Adjustable and stick size are the most used ones. Dressmaker dummies provide fashion designers the liberty to make dresses and outfits in whatever size, shape, and length possible.

The dummy is an excellent way of giving an idea of how the dress would appear in real life because, at times, the dress looks excellent at a glance but wouldn’t look good on a real person. Adjustable dressmaker dummies are a unique way of saving time, cost, and energy put by designers in making alterations and adjusting sizes for the person wearing the dress.

Needles and threads

A fashion designer cannot complete his tool kit without needles and threads. They cannot be replaced by sewing machines because they are perfect for making last-minute changes and altering urgent size fittings. Fashion designers carry an entire set of different shapes and sizes if they have assisted needles to match every requirement and fashion emergency.

Fashion designing is a tough job. It might seem like a cakewalk from the outside, but it isn’t so from the inside. Every fashion designer must carry all the tools mentioned above with himself or herself at all times. An artistic flair is necessary for every artist to showcase his talent appropriately. These fashion designer tools help fashion talents to keep themselves on toes always and stay creative whenever required. Hence, carrying the correct equipment can help any designer to do the job more efficiently.

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